G'day to all in the PTA,
And first off, belated Happy New Year to you all and greetings from the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand where it's a public holiday and a balmy 22 degrees. A couple of weeks ago I attended the Harcourt Park International Jousting Festival, which also contained a "living history" encampment ranging from Roman through to ECW. And guess who was representing the ECW?
Good news is, I won a prize for the best "soft kit" as well as for my consistency in remaining in period (at least while anyone was watching. So good to know that all my old SK/ECWS kit still cuts the mustard (and fits). And that my Past Tents tent, plus rooster on the knob, has still got it. Whatever "it" is.
It meant a 5 hour drive, followed by a 3 hour ferry trip and then a further hours drive (as it was in the North Island) which made it feel like going abroad. Well it is nearly a different country!
I've attached a few piccies, but for more (and better) ones you can visit either/or:
Great to see you all prospering, flourishing, etc and hope you survive the snow OK. Although those of you with Landies are probably suffering from permanent grins and drivers elbow/knees by now I guess.
Now working for Solid Energy New Zealand Ltd, based at the Stockton Mine site on the Denniston Plateau. My company vehicle is, unfortunately, a Toyota Rav4 but I get unlimited private mileage and can also use the company fuel card for it as well. So I thrash the beejeebers out of it on site and on the road on the long, long trips and keep the Defender for "specialist" work. Like going through the alpine passes and driving on closed roads and forestry tracks etc.
So keep well, keep safe, keep the faith. And if you're ever out in New Zealand do drop in.
Forth and fear no darkness!
Mark Godwin